Monday 3 February 2014


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Applications are invited for CNRD PhD and master scholarships for courses related to NRM and development with an interdisciplinary and intercultural orientation. There is no age limit for applicants. Three years full PhD scholarships will be awarded to carry out the PhD research in a developing country (2 periods of 4-5 months in Germany are essential part of the scholarship). Master scholarships will be awarded to carry out field research abroad or to join one of the other CNRD Master’s Programs for one semester. CNRD can sponsor a stay of four to six months at CUAS/ITT or at another CNRD partner university.

Study Subject (s): Scholarships are awarded for postgraduate courses related to NRM and development with an interdisciplinary and intercultural orientation. The CNRD network offers a PhD program on topics related to MDG 7.  
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Master and PhD degree.  
Scholarship Provider: The Center for Natural Resources and Development (CNRD)
Scholarship can be taken at: PhD scholarships will be tenable at CNRD partner universities in Asia, Latin America and Africa (2 periods of 4-5 months in Germany are essential part of the scholarship) and Masters scholarships will be tenable at CUAS/ITT or at another CNRD partner university (field research will be carried out in abroad).

Eligibility: There is a set of minimum requirements that MSc and PhD candidates have to fulfill:
-have an academic background;
-graduation of lastly obtained academic title must not be more than six years ago;
-Be fluent in English (TOEFL iBT 79 points, IELTS band 6 or equivalent). TOEFL iBT of 59 might be accepted for MSc applicants for Master programs where English proficiency is no admission criteria;
-Be highly motivated to study abroad.
a-Master scholarship applicants:
-Bachelor degree and research subject or selected courses related to (one of the) the CNRD topics;
-Current inscription in any of the MSc programs related to CNRD.
b-PhD scholarship applicants:
-The applicant is a citizen of a developing country.
-The PhD research is related to MDG 7 and will be carried out in a developing country
-The applicant holds a master´s degree (or an equivalent degree) in a subject with relevance to MDG 7 and passed the exam with above-average grades
-A supervisor at one of the CNRD universities must have agreed to supervise the proposed PhD work in the event that a scholarship is granted. To this end, the candidate must independently contact one of the courses/supervisors and obtain consent/a recommendation in advance. An exception is the PhD scholarship at ITT/CUAS. Here, the applicants can suggest a supervisor from a German university. Alternatively, the CNRD PhD committee can support the scholarship holder in finding an appropriate university and supervisor.
-There is no age limit for applicants.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of developing country (Albania, Cook Islands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fiji, Kosovo, Egypt, Anguilla, Iraq, Kiribati, Macedonia, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Iran, Marshall Islands, Moldova, Rep. Libya, Belize, Yemen, Micronesia, Montenegro, Morocco ,Costa Rica, Jordan, Nauru ,Serbia, Tunisia, Dominica, Lebanon, Niue, Turkey, Dominican. Republic Palestinian, Territories Palau, Ukraine, El Salvador, Syria, Papua New Guinea, Belarus, Grenada, Solomon Islands, Angola, Guatemala, Samoa, Equatorial, Guinea, Haiti, Tokelau, Ethiopia, Honduras, Afghanistan, Tonga, Benin, Jamaica, Armenia, Tuvalu, Botswana, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Vanuatu, Burkina, Faso, Mexico, Bangladesh, Wallis and Futuna, Burundi, Montserrat, Bhutan, Côte d’Ivoire, Nicaragua, Georgia, Djibouti, Panama, India, Eritrea, St. Kitts and Nevis, Kazakhstan, Gabon St. Lucia Kyrgyzstan, Gambia, St. Vincent / Grenadines, Maldives, Ghana, Myanmar, Guinea, Nepal, Guinea-Bissau, Pakistan, Cameroons, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Bolivia, Tajikistan, Kenya, Brazil, Turkmenistan, Comoros, Chile, Uzbekistan, Congo, Ecuador, Congo, Rep. of Guyana, Lesotho, Colombia, Liberia, Paraguay, China, Madagascar, Peru, Indonesia, Malawi, Suriname, Cambodia, Mali, Uruguay, Korea, DPR Mauritania, Venezuela, Laos, Mauritius, Malaysia, Mozambique, Mongolia, Namibia ,Philippines, Niger, Thailand, Nigeria, Timor-Leste, Rwanda, Vietnam, Zambia, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Somalia, St. Helena, Sudan, South Africa, South Sudan Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Chad and Uganda) can apply for PhD scholarships and foreign and German students for can apply for Master scholarships.

Scholarship Description: CNRD aspire the creation of a worldwide network of postgraduate courses related to NRM and development with an interdisciplinary and intercultural orientation. To reach this objective a list of activities will be carried out, starting with CNRD semester scholarships for master’s students and full scholarships for PhD candidates. PhD scholarships at CNRD partner universities in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The CNRD network offers a PhD program on topics related to MDG 7. A maximum of seven students will get a three year scholarship to carry out the PhD research in a developing country. All partner universities involved in CNRD will bring in at least one already existing Master Program. To support the exchange of students CNRD offers financial support for Master students who want to carry out their field research abroad or who want to join one of the other CNRD Master Programs for one semester. CNRD can sponsor a stay of 4-6 months at any CNRD partner university.
Number of award(s): A maximum of seven PhD full scholarships will be awarded.
Duration of award(s): PhD Scholarships are offered for three years (for PhD scholarships at CNRD partner universities in Asia, Latin America and Africa: 2 periods of 4-5 months in Germany are essential part of the scholarship. Obligatory schedule will be provided by German CNRD coordination. For PhD scholarship at ITT/CUAS: Main working place is ITT/CUAS. Research stays abroad will be aligned with the CNRD PhD committee). The maximum length of masters scholarships is 6 months, for field research a period of 4 months is foreseen.
What does it cover? The scholarship basically consists of a monthly stipend plus travel costs.
MSc Scholarships:
-Travel costs to country of destination will be covered up to the maximum lump sums given from DAAD.
-Students are responsible for flight booking;
-Monthly stipend for students going to other country than Germany: 400€;
-Monthly stipend for foreign students staying in Germany: 750€;
Family allowance cannot be provided.
PhD Scholarships:
-Travel costs to country of destination will be covered up to the maximum lump sums given from DAAD.
Students are responsible for flight booking.
Monthly stipend throughout stay in CNRD partner country: 500€/month
-Monthly stipend during stay in Germany: 1.000€/month
-Family allowance can only be provided under certain conditions and if overall project budget allows. If a PhD candidate wants to bring his family to Germany please refer to the CNRD coordination to inquire. Family allowance applies only for the period in Germany and only in case the family spends more than three months time in Germany. Travel costs for family members can NOT be covered at all.
Selection Criteria: The selection bases on the quality of the candidates, i.e. outstanding achievements in terms of grades.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: Scholarship applications have to be handed in at the University of Origin. The PhD program will have its roots in the home university in a developing country where PhD students will receive their degree. In case that the University of Origin does not offer a PhD program, the CNRD network will look for an adequate option in the region or Germany. For the PhD scholarship at ITT/CUAS the candidate has to apply directly at ITT/CUAS. The complete set of documents has to be sent digitally. The following documents must be submitted:
-completed and signed application form in English;
-document proving the higher education entrance qualification (Bachelor degree for MSc scholarship, Master degree or equivalent for PhD scholarship, etc.), in English or German,
-curriculum vitae (in tabular form) in English
-TOEFL iBT 79 points, IELTS band 6 or equivalent. If an applicant’s first language is English or his/her studies at the university level have been conducted wholly in the medium of English (written proof from the University is required) he/she is exempted from providing an English language proficiency test. TOEFL iBT of 59 might be accepted for MSc applicants for Master programs where English proficiency is no admission criteria;
-Applicants for exchange semester scholarship: Signed Learning Agreement which is a list of courses you want to study abroad (available at CNRD webpage and CNRD coordinator in respective country);
-Applicants for master thesis field research scholarship: description of the topic of your master thesis in English (min. 2 pages, including time schedule); letter of invitation by professor of your university of destination
-Applicants for Ph.D. scholarship: description of the topic of your PhD thesis in English (4 pages text including literature plus max. 2 pages figures and tables);
-letters of recommendation by university teacher(s) of your university of origin;
-Copies of references from professional work and qualifications:
-Current certificate of matriculation
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is March 1, 2014.


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